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Why Do I Have to Replace All Four Tires?

Whether you need new tires, or other repairs, Utah Auto Repair specialists are there to help you with your vehicle's needs. Utah Auto Repair technicians can get your vehicle up and running again. Contact Utah Auto Repair for any questions you may have about your vehicle's maintenance or repairs.

By |2021-09-29T15:14:04+00:00November 9, 2010|Auto Repair, Tune Ups|Comments Off on Why Do I Have to Replace All Four Tires?

How Often Should You Change Your Transmission Fluid?

Each vehicle will have different recommendations for when transmission changes should occur. You can talk to your Utah auto repair mechanic for suggestions they would have if you need a quick estimate. Another good place to look is in your owner’s manual.

By |2021-09-29T15:14:05+00:00October 26, 2010|Auto Repair|Comments Off on How Often Should You Change Your Transmission Fluid?

How to Adjust Car Tire Pressure

It’s important to regularly check the tire pressure of your vehicle. Having a properly inflated tire will give you better gas mileage and extend the life of your tire. Here are some tips on how to properly check and fill your tires. To check your tire pressure you need a tire pressure gauge. You can purchase an inexpensive pencil type gauge for around $3. If you want to purchase a more accurate gauge look [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:11+00:00June 8, 2010|Preventative Maintenance|Comments Off on How to Adjust Car Tire Pressure

Tire Rotations

Having your tires rotated is an important part of keeping your car maintained. Although the consequences usually are not as severe as other items such as changing your oil or flushing your coolant, it can be a safety and performance issue. Luckily, rotating your tires is a quick and easy process that any Utah auto repair shop can do in about 5 minutes or less.  There are various ways to do a tire rotation, [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:11+00:00June 1, 2010|Preventative Maintenance|Comments Off on Tire Rotations

A Woman’s Guide to Changing a Tire

If, or rather when, you get a flat tire you need to know what to do. It can be particularly scary and frustrating to women who have little experience changing a tire. This article is a step by step guide on how to do it.

By |2021-09-29T15:14:12+00:00May 19, 2010|Automotive Info|Comments Off on A Woman’s Guide to Changing a Tire

How to Change a Flat

It’s important to be ready to change a flat when the unexpected happens. Changing a flat tire can be a long, frustrating process if you aren’t prepared. You may not always have your Utah Auto Repair shop nearby to rely on. But, follow these steps and you’ll have smooth sailing and be on your way again.

By |2021-09-29T15:14:12+00:00May 17, 2010|Auto Repair, Automotive Info, Preventative Maintenance|Comments Off on How to Change a Flat

Top 6 Brake Problems

Here are the six most common problems Utah brake repair shops face when a customer brings their vehicle in for repairs. No matter how good of a driver you are brake problems can happen. Stay safe, and pay attention to any problems in your brake system. A major problem Utah brake repair shops face is squeaky brakes. A squeal may signify a brake problem. It may also be nothing at all and your brakes [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:12+00:00May 14, 2010|Auto Repair, Automotive Info, Brakes, Preventative Maintenance|Comments Off on Top 6 Brake Problems

Online Brake Help

Before taking your vehicle to your local Utah brake repair company it doesn’t hurt to go on the Internet and read about how vehicle systems work.  There is a lot of good information there to help you be more knowledgeable so you’ll know what your mechanic is talking about.  Some of my favorite sites are and YouTube. Here are some suggestions to help your brakes last longer so that you don’t [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:12+00:00May 10, 2010|Auto Repair, Brakes, Preventative Maintenance|Comments Off on Online Brake Help

Car Repair Costs

Let’s face it, owning a car is expensive. Not only do you have to pay for fuel, insurance, and registration but for repairs also, such as when you go down to your favorite Utah brake repair garage. And these repairs can be pricey.

By |2021-09-29T15:14:13+00:00May 5, 2010|Auto Repair|Comments Off on Car Repair Costs

Making Sure You Find the Best Car Mechanic

Everyone wants to get the best deal for their car at Utah auto repair shops. Unfortunately finding a good mechanic can be a challenge. Here are a few things to look for when searching for a great Utah auto repair mechanic. A good mechanic will quickly identify what is wrong with the problem. If they cannot find anything wrong with it they will admit it. Mechanics who cannot find something wrong with the car [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:14+00:00April 9, 2010|Auto Repair|Comments Off on Making Sure You Find the Best Car Mechanic


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