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Tune Ups

What is a tune up and what does it usually include?

We know that preventative care is very important. One of the main ways to make sure that we are doing all the preventative maintenance that we need to is to bring in our cars to have a frequent tune up. A lot of times, if things are going great and seem to be running well, we might think that a tune up isn’t necessary, but it really is the key to maintaining the health [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:49+00:00October 21, 2009|Tune Ups|Comments Off on What is a tune up and what does it usually include?

Fluid Flushes

Despite what some might try to tell you, fluid flushes for your automobile are a very important part of maintenance. It is important to flush and change certain fluids on a regular basis. Why is it important to change the fluid in your car? Well, as you continue to drive dirt, airborne particles, and dust are all soon found in your car fluids. These can actually cause more damage than we think. Because certain [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:50+00:00October 21, 2009|Tune Ups|Comments Off on Fluid Flushes

Changing Sparkplugs

Recently, I was encouraged to get my spark plugs changed when a friend of mine was looking over my car. It made me start to wonder what exactly spark plugs do, and the whens and whys of changing them. Here are some things to help anyone else who is wondering the exact same thing. Your spark plugs are an important part of starting your vehicle. In fact, the spark plugs are what delivers the [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:50+00:00October 21, 2009|Tune Ups|Comments Off on Changing Sparkplugs

Car Battery: tips on Jump Starting your Battery

It is so important that you understand how to properly and safely recharge or jump-start your battery. There are small risks that need to be considered and avoided as you work on your battery. Here are a few tips to help your efficiently jump-start your battery. The first step is to park the vehicle that is to help you jump-start close enough that you may be able to use the jumper cables. Some cables [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:14:50+00:00October 21, 2009|Tune Ups|Comments Off on Car Battery: tips on Jump Starting your Battery


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