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Automotive Info

Safe Winter Braking

Icy and snowy conditions can cause havoc on the roads. Whenever you are driving in extreme winter conditions it is good to know how to handle your brakes so that you can come to complete and safe stops no matter what obstacles the weather or road may throw your way.

By |2021-09-29T15:12:26+00:00March 11, 2013|Automotive Info, Brakes, Safety and Emissions|Comments Off on Safe Winter Braking

Auto Maintenance Myths Debunked (part 1)

Anyone who drives a car or truck has probably received a mountain of advice of the years of how best to treat your vehicle, including recommended care and maintenance. Some of that advice is probably true. Some of it WAS true before many now standard modern technologies. And some are simply myths that get transferred as fact. While these myths are often harmless, they can end up costing you unnecessary time and money. Here [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:26+00:00February 21, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on Auto Maintenance Myths Debunked (part 1)

History of Cars (Part 2)

The idea of the gas-powered automobile is the work of Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz. Daimler and Benz both worked with the early 19th century technology of an internal combustion engine – an engine that is designed to use an explosive combustion of fuel (usually gasoline, diesel, or kerosene) to activate a piston that is housed within a cylinder. The movement of the piston activates a crankshaft that moves a chain or drive shaft [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:26+00:00February 14, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on History of Cars (Part 2)

History of Cars (Part 1)

The automobile is a part of our everyday life. Most people use some type of automobile to get to their daily destinations – whether it be a car, truck, or bus. This is an astonishing fact when you think of the fact that less than 250 years ago, they didn’t even exist. The modern day automobile is an invention that has evolved across many years due to the genius and creativity of many people. [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:26+00:00February 7, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on History of Cars (Part 1)

Unsticking A Frozen Car Door

It’s a cold winter morning and you are hurrying out the door when it happens.  You unlock your car door, grab the handle, and pull. Nothing. Despite your best efforts, the door refuses to open. It’s frozen shut and unwilling to budge. There are a few things that you can do to prevent this early morning nightmare.  The first is to have your rubbers gaskets inspected. The rubber gaskets are the part of the [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00January 18, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on Unsticking A Frozen Car Door

Creating a Winter Safe Car

The cold temperatures, snow, ice, slush, dirt, and road salt that are common during the winter months can be extremely tough on your vehicle. In order to make sure that your car makes it safely through the winter, make sure you regularly check and (if necessary) repair a few specific areas. One thing to check is your battery. Cold temperatures can be extremely hard on the life of your battery. Not only does the [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00January 10, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on Creating a Winter Safe Car

Reducing Your Slipping and Sliding with Snow Tires

During the winter months, many car owners worry about the ability of their car to handle the snow and ice. In order to ensure that you car can handle any storm or conditions that winter sends you way, there are several things to keep in mind. If you are extremely concerned about your ability to drive in the snow, the best car to choose is one with traction control and anti-lock brakes. All-wheel drive [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00January 4, 2013|Automotive Info|Comments Off on Reducing Your Slipping and Sliding with Snow Tires

About Spark Plugs

Your vehicle’s ignition system uses electricity, heat, and pressure to start the combustion reaction that will propel your car forward. One of the key elements in making sure that everything runs correctly is your spark plug. This little piece of equipment is responsible for sealing your combustion chamber and conducting a spark of electricity from your ignition to your combustion chamber. The electricity in this spark can range from 40,000 to 100,000 volts and [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00December 24, 2012|Automotive Info|Comments Off on About Spark Plugs

How Many Tires Should You Replace

When they get a flat tire, many drivers are surprised when their auto repair shop recommends replacing additional tires. If only one is flat, why do you need to replace two? Or all four? The key to understanding this recommendation is learning how your car operates. The first step is for you to know whether your car is front wheel drive, rear wheel drive or all wheel drive. With front and rear wheel drives, [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00December 18, 2012|Automotive Info|Comments Off on How Many Tires Should You Replace

Changing Your Transmission Fluid

An automatic transmission is responsible for delivering power from the engine to the drive wheels in a way that provides the best efficiency and power for your driving speed. The transmission gears are covered with a special transmission fluid that cools and lubricates them, allowing them to work at their optimal level. An automatic transmission normally creates an extreme level of internal heat due to friction, and transmission fluid is designed to work within [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:12:27+00:00November 27, 2012|Automotive Info|Comments Off on Changing Your Transmission Fluid


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