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Auto History

The History of the Assembly Line

It’s difficult to pin down what might be the most influential innovation to come out of America. While there are numerous contenders, the advent of the Ford Motor Company, the Model T, and the assembly line have led to a manufacturing institution that would go on to change the world. While the first automobile﹘a steam-powered, self-perpetuating vehicle﹘was first built in China, the identity of the modern car as we know it today came into [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:45+00:00May 15, 2021|Auto History|Comments Off on The History of the Assembly Line

Auto Services Do Not Void Warranties

Whenever we purchase a new vehicle, or even a used one from a deal, we often hear a laundry list of violations that will cause the warranty to be void. However, there is one particular item on these lists that is actually unenforceable, and that is that auto services, or aftermarket part installations, will cause a void warranty. No matter what any manufacturer or dealer tells you, auto work done on a vehicle from [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:50+00:00April 1, 2016|Auto History, Automotive Info|Comments Off on Auto Services Do Not Void Warranties

Offbrand Supercars: Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale

There are more high-end cars than just Ferrari and Lamborghini. ‘Alternative-Brand Super Cars’ is a new series devoted to exploring the masterful machines created around the world by some of the more obscure, yet highly talented, automakers in existence. Amongst the gorgeous, antique buildings and peaceful river roads of Milan, Italy there has always been a fair share of engineering innovation that paints a fun contrast between the breaking edge technology and rustic aesthetic [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:50+00:00March 15, 2016|Auto History, Automotive Info|Comments Off on Offbrand Supercars: Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale

Alternative-Brand Super Cars: Pagani Huayra

There are more high-end cars than just Ferrari and Lamborghini. ‘Alternative-Brand Super Cars’ is a new series devoted to exploring the masterful machines created around the world by some of the more obscure, yet highly talented, automakers in existence. During its entire existence, Italy-based car maker Pagani has only made 131 cars. Not types or brands of cars, but functioning vehicles! The newest bunch of this small number is represented by the Pagani Huayra, [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:51+00:00December 15, 2015|Auto History, Automotive Info, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Alternative-Brand Super Cars: Pagani Huayra

Volkswagen Scandal Explained

The auto world has recently been shaken by the Volkswagen scandal. This all started when it came to light that the company had admitted that many of their diesel vehicles had software that helped them cheat on emissions tests. Eventually, this all came to light and the company is being levied with penalties from different countries around the world. Here is a quick explanation to catch you up on this auto controversy… […]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:51+00:00December 1, 2015|Auto History, Safety and Emissions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Volkswagen Scandal Explained

The Fastest Drive: Part 1

Driving and Adventure In world of today, there often seems to be a consensus that our lives lack adventure, due to the fact that this world seems fairly settled in. There are far fewer frontiers so readily available to us now, as opposed to even just 100 years ago. As we sit in our jobs today, contemplating how our entire continent has been explored long before we were even here, it seems that the [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:51+00:00October 5, 2015|Auto History|Comments Off on The Fastest Drive: Part 1

Classic Cars with a High ROI

The business of restoring classic cars can be a financially thankless one. Many times the amount of hours that goes into hunting for parts and reconstructing parts of the vehicle can be momentous. Add that on top of the high cost that these parts will often go for, and it will be easy to feel like you are throwing your money into a bottomless pit. However, some classic cars can be much less effort, [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:52+00:00September 14, 2015|Auto History|Comments Off on Classic Cars with a High ROI

New Car Tech: The Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion

Concept cars are a window into tomorrow’s car technology, and the Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion concept car is certainly no exception. This concept car in particular has been garnering attention for its advanced take on the up and coming autonomous driving technology. It moves beyond the mere technology of autonomous driving systems and offers a preview of how autonomous cars will change society as a whole. Key features While of course the [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:52+00:00July 15, 2015|Auto History, Automotive Info|Comments Off on New Car Tech: The Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion

Car Design Trend: Old Cars Made New

When it comes to car design, one common thread you’ll find throughout the car industry among a wide variety of car manufacturers is a throwback to older, iconic styles. It has been seen prominently in auto makers such as Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge, and even in European brands such as Volkswagen and Mercedes. Read on to learn more about this design trend and how it might fare in car design of the future. Case [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:52+00:00July 1, 2015|Auto History, Automotive Info|Comments Off on Car Design Trend: Old Cars Made New

Modern Motorcycle Tech: Old is New

Open country, fast moving road, rushing wind to the face—no machine embodies unrestricted freedom like the motorcycle. These are cliches that enthusiasts have enshrined to create a sort of religion out of the motorcycle culture. For the majority of the motorcycle’s existence, it has primarily remained an icon of this fanatical religion, but in the past few decades, the popularity of motorcycles has begun to extend out to a much wider range of consumers. [...]

By |2021-09-29T15:11:53+00:00February 5, 2015|Auto History|Comments Off on Modern Motorcycle Tech: Old is New


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